
To navigate between applications and workspaces, click at the top left corner of the PlanningSpace client (that is, over the currently-active application name).

This will display the navigation menu, for example:

PlanningSpace navigation menu

If you do not have access to an application, there will be a closed padlock icon next to its name.

The Security menu item appears only for tenant Administrators, and user accounts granted the role 'Security/Security' (see Roles):


To open an application (or return to an already-opened application), simply click its name. To select a workspace, use the top menu within each application. For example:


Action buttons

The following table describes the action buttons found at the bottom of the navigation menu.

Button Action
PlanningSpace Home button Go to the PlanningSpace Home screen.
PlanningSpace Help button Opens the Help Pages (this is the PlanningSpace User Manual which you are also looking at now).
PlanningSpace About button Opens the About page (see About screen).
Change Password button Opens the Change Password screen (see Change password).
PlanningSpace Exit button Exits the PlanningSpace client.